Critical Skills Education & Training

CPR has changed...come learn the better way to save a life with our AHA CPR/AED class! Check here for our latest classes including EMT & EMR Refreshers, BLS for Healthcare Professionals, AHA First Aid, Bloodborne Pathogens and more. Available for Emergency Cardiac Care and Public Service presentations at no cost. Call or email if there’s something you need…we’ll bring it right to your location.


“I would like to express my deep gratitude to you for teaching the CPR class. This past Saturday I was put to the test with the knowledge of the information and the skills that you had taught me that day. I would love to tell you that I had a save, unfortunately I did not. However, the skills that you provided me with led me to be able to perform CPR just as I was taught. I was able to quickly assess the situation and do what needed to do be done. I would not have been able to do that had I not just recently taken your class. You both were excellent and I appreciate what you did for me that day. I will do everything I can to help those around me realize the importance of taking a CPR class. I can't say “Thank You” enough for what you taught me.”


Company 411

Critical Skills Education & Training, LLC

PO Box 983
Old Lyme, Connecticut 06371

860-304-8471 / 860-391-3779

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